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Why Does A Meat Cleaver Have A Hole

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Bonnie Zepeda, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Meat cleavers have a hole.jpg

    Meat cleavers are the heaviest kitchen knives that are used to break down meat, with the purpose of hewing through small to medium bones and gristly connective tissue. It is also known as bone chopper.

    Now, do you know why a meat cleaver has a hole? There is nothing special about it but it is helpful. Meat cleavers have a hole in its blade only because you can hang them as the cleavers are usually very large in shape and it’s really hard to fit in your kitchen drawer, your knife blocks, or anywhere usually you keep your kitchen knives. So the hole helps you to conveniently hang it on a hook or nail somewhere safe without taking up to much room for it.

    People usually use meat cleavers to separate large carcasses into smaller and easier to handle parts. Once this is done, there’s really no other reason to use this knife as it is heavy. So then u just have to hang it up and put out of the way.

    But not all meat cleavers actually have this hole. It’s common to see cleavers both ways, with or without a hole in it.

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