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What podcasts do you listen to?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Chuckles, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. mr drinky

    mr drinky Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Poop Talk. This podcast discusses people schitting their pants and otherwise experiencing memorable fecal moments. It's on iTunes, and it is pretty funny.

  2. Chuckles

    Chuckles Founding Member

    Stitcher is down. It is seriously messing up the parts of my day that I look forward to. What other podcast apps are there other than iTunes?

    Hardcore History is awesome. Really awesome. I have listened to them all now I think.

    History On Fire is another history podcast that is basically a spin off of hardcore history. I haven't heard enough to have an opinion yet.

    Lore is another one that is interesting.

    Crazy how much an app going down has annoyed me.
  3. LeperoftheFaith

    LeperoftheFaith Founding Member

    If you use Apple products I recommend Downcast, if you're willing to pay $3 for a superior app to itunes/podcasts/stitcher.
  4. Chuckles

    Chuckles Founding Member

    Thanks for the recommendation. I will look into it.

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