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What are these Ebay Sabatiers?

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by MotoMike, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Recently I've seen a flood of what is billed as vintage Sabatiers. the images appear to be the rough forgings of the knives in question and they do seem to resemble Sabs. Are they Chinese knock offs? lots of sellers with these and others in various stages of incompleteness. Seems odd to have numerous sellers all selling the same thing. sabs.JPG
  2. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I bought a few like this . No heat treat. Devin Thomas and Don Ngyen ( Happy Birthday) did projects with these. They said it would have been far easier to start from scratch .
  3. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    the one that don did is on sale on KKF b/s/t right now
  4. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    I have done one too , tried slow oil , tried fast oil , didn't get the hardness I liked , have one more blank , slicer I believe , as it's been stated I Rather start from scratch with the steel I want and know how to work with
  5. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Thanks guys. nice to know. certainly not for the novice. I thought that some I've seen don't have the handles drilled and might be a candidate for removing the pomel and putting a wa handle on. just pondering.

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