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Welcome To Life On The Edge

Discussion in 'Life on the Edge' started by James, Apr 8, 2014.

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  1. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Welcome to Life On The Edge,

    This new area of the forum will be here for exclusive new content exploring those who help make our community unique to us. Here you will find interviews with our great Vendors, what they do, how they came to do it, and what gives them the passion they have. As well as explore some of the members who use their knives for a living. there will be lots of great articles not only to read, but to engage with as well as you are free to jump right in with any questions you have and keep the conversation going. There is a few surprises on the way, some great articles to start off with, and you never know what tomorrow will bring, Without any further Adieu, The KKFora Team is proud to share with you

    Life On The Edge,

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