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Show off your grills/BBQ

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by Jim, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Pigs beware! New method of cooking you just arrived.

  2. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    How big is that roto? Can it take a boned out pig smooshed between big grates, or do you have to thread it on the axle? Either way that is a great thing to have in the summertime, it is too hot to cook indoors!
  3. Andre -

    The inside dimension is about 5 1/2 feet, so I would say it will hold a 125 - 150 lb pig. It's designed to thread the pig on the spit with spine clamps and the forks etc., but that bottom bar that you see is for wiring the feet so that it stays more balanced as you cook.

    Both sides that support the spit raise up another 12" or so, so I suppose you could spin a boned pig between grates. However, that's how I've always cooked them until now....between grates in a homemade cinder block pit. I bought this for something different - to have the pig (or lamb or goat) actually turn on a rotisserie. I'm going to do a trial cook with it on a small animal for a few friends this weekend - I'll let you know how it works out.

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