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Murray Carter and his kiai....

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by bieniek, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. bieniek

    bieniek Founding Member

    Some of you might think that this will be just a plain bashing. Please, bare with me.

    I dont follow his channel, some years ago I stopped checking it out after some awkward recordings of his, this time however my fellow knife nuts introduced me to the short clip of him talking about the mindset and focus/control.

    I hardly liked him [thought high of him] before, but this video was so humble, honest and plain in its message, that he gained some respect in my eyes.
    I think it takes some maturing to be able to talk about it, and explain it the way he did. Risking all those silly comments and above all just misunderstanding.

    Others at the gathering laughed at me. I dont care. I never trained any martial art that would require verbal expressing of control but I have no problem accepting and respecting it. Liking it even.

  2. I don't really care about such stuff.
    Do whatever works best for you.
    Applies to any discipline, be it martial arts or some sports (tennis, volleyball or football).

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