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Lavatools Javelin thermometer ?

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Stumblinman, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Stumblinman

    Stumblinman Founding Member

    Does anyone have or tried this thermometer ? $28 for a 4 sec folding thermo seems like a great deal. I use the thermoworks and it's great, just HUGE. This one looks smaller.
  2. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Hi Stumblinman

    I don't know that thermometer but see it is available on Amazon for 25 bucks. since none of the literature mentions that it is thermocouple, and they always brag about it if they are, I would bet it is thermister. Thermisters can now be made quite small but still bigger than a thermocouple which is just a junction between two wires of dissimilar metal. where a thermister is a compound sealed in a glass bead or similar that changes its resistance with temperature. They can be quite accurate but because they have more mass typically take longer to reach temp. With thermopen, the thermocouple is at the very tip. I don't know where it is in the tapered probe of the Javelin. I've had thermister probes that claimed 4-5 seconds and actually took 6-8. My thermopen actually takes about 3. Thermoworks occasionally sells refurbs that appear new for about half the norm, but still more than the Javelin.
  3. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    The RT301WA and the RT600C at Thermoworks are very good thermometers and are on sale right now for $19. I would get either over a Javelin.
    Thermoworks has proven excellent customer service, should it become necessary. Not sure you can say that with Lavatools.

    Last edited: May 4, 2015

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