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Instagram Activity

Discussion in 'Sharp and Shiny Shop' started by Lefty, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that if you aren't on IG, you might be missing a lot of what I do and sell. It is quick, easy and effective for me, while being amazing for quick shop pics. (Not the same caliber as @CrisAnderson27, but still pretty ok....)

    Here's a link to my page, and please give it a look. I have a few beauties up for sale on IG, only, at the moment. Cough...Devin Thomas...cough Carter...ahem Takeda.



    And remember, tell your friends. :D
  2. Ha!! Your shop pics are top of the line my friend!! What most people notice about mine is the mess that is invariably in the background lol...mostly consisting of belts (they cost so much I can't seem to throw them away!) , used abrasive paper...and slivers of paper from sharpness testing!!

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