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Hoya filter to giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways/Pay It Forward/Win a Knife' started by WarrenB, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Got a 62mm thread Hoya 81B Colour Conversion filter to giveaway, glass is perfect with no scratches. If anyone can make use of it pls jump in, free worldwide, first one in gets it:)
  2. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  3. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I dont think that will fit my cell... nice gift for some camera nut out there
  4. Nuts63

    Nuts63 Founding Member

    if it is still avalible I can put it to good use
  5. It's no longer available, because it is now yours:D Send me a message with your details please.
  6. Nuts63

    Nuts63 Founding Member

    Hi Warren I do not know how to pm you can you pm me
  7. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    another Fora Miracle lol well done
  8. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Oh. It's for a camera.

    I was seriously thinking what it does for knives.... :confused:
  9. Make em look pretty :D
  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  11. Nuts63

    Nuts63 Founding Member

    Tihank you ,Warren B. The lens filter was delivered yesterday in great shape thanks again , Rick

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