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HHH Knives
Last Activity:
Aug 9, 2024
Feb 17, 2014
Trophy Points:
July 20
Home Page:
Craftsman, Artist, Knife maker.

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HHH Knives

from Michigan

Founding Member
HHH Knives was last seen:
Aug 9, 2024
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  • About

    July 20
    Home Page:
    Craftsman, Artist, Knife maker.
    Hello, My name is Randy Haas, I am the owner of HHH Knives, in Michigan.
    I am a full time knife maker… Its my Passion and I thank God that he has blessed me to be able to make these beautiful, functional, working knives.

    My goal is to make every knife better then the last, very usable, as well as extremely beautiful.. Functional, working art!


    All the knives I make are designed and built to be used. Made to last a lifetime, and to feel perfect in hand! I’m a knife user first, and a knife maker second. So the function of the tool is of the utmost importance…. And I am a perfectionist, continually striving to make ever knife better then the last! I use the highest standards and materials when making every HHH Knife. From the choice of steels and handle materials, to the fit and finish. My knives are highly sought after and collected by many great folks from around the globe.

    About 3 years ago, My oldest son Randy Jr. now age 25.. Joined me working full time in the shop.. He is forging some of the finest damascus billets on the planet! Keep a eye on this kid.. as he’s going places in the knife world. His passion and excitement for the steel breaths new life into the shop. As he continues to push his craft. Testing new patterns and working with many steel types..


    Most of the knives I make are customs… meaning that the customer has contacted me and, together we choose the different materials and styles of knife. This is a very cool way to get a new knife! I mean, think about it… YOU get to, pick the style of knife and also get to choose all the little details that make the knife YOURS! From the blade size and shape to the type of steel, to the materials used for the handle, guard and pins. Creating a beautiful knife that has your personalty and design aspects in every way!! I ask ya, What knife lover/user wouldn’t want that?

    Please feel free to contact me any time. I strive to provide the best customer service in the industry and look forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks and God Bless
    Randy Haas, HHH Knives


    HHH Knives, Inspired by God, Forged by Fire, Tempered by Water, Grounded by Earth & Guided by the spirit!

    God is GOOD, ALL the time!!!
    Randy Haas


    LINK to Available knives