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Got Amboyna?

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Well I do! [​IMG]

    I'm always getting requests for this wood but I have trouble getting it in any decent quality/quantity so I went out and scored some raw stuff in the cool (rarer) two toned version. I just got them back from being stabilized at K&G and I can't wait to make some knives with them. [​IMG]

    Two Toned Amboyna.JPG
  2. Some awesome pieces of Amboyna here! I feel envy both for you and for the future owners of yours knives with Amboyna handles :)
  3. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    I love Amboyna! I'm super jealous right now.
  4. butch

    butch Founding Member

    i really need to do the same thing seems i can never find what i want when i need it
  5. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

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