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WTB 210mm Suji

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Andre, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    So i received a 210mm Heiji sujihiki about a month ago, and after a couple of laps through the kitchen I have decided it feels and cuts too similarly to my 210mm Heiji gyuto (surprise). I'm in the market for something to replace it, I would either be willing to swap or buy outright and then I will put the Heiji up for sale. Things that have struck me in the past that I would like to try: Kato, Kochi V2 or stainless, the one Marko 210 suji I've seen looked pretty good, maybe a Takeda or Mutsumi Hinoura on the rustico side of things, but I'm open to just about anything other than Sakai lasers.

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