1. {Name}
    Welcome to the KKF!
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Welcome Georges

Discussion in 'New Member Check-In' started by Jim, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Welcome @Georges

    Please join me in welcoming our newest member, Georges. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
    Why not start by telling us something about yourself!
  2. Have a nice day, everybody!
    I am a knife master from France. I have a small workshop that consists of several close friends of mine.
    We produce kitchen knives in single pieces and reconstruct old Japanese knives.
    I also sell premium materials for making knives. These are mocume gane, stabilized wood of valuable species, laminated steel blades.
    I will inform you in advance that I do not work with China, Pakistan, India )))).

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