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Knife geometry

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Shannon Postle, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. Hey guys,
    Where can I find information on blade geometry, diagrams of different grinds, what shapes produce the best food release and such.
  2. I don't know if this answers your question exactly, but every knife review on my blog contains an extensive description of the various aspects of the geometry of a knife, including diagrams, and a description of its performance.

  3. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    Many makers including myself will test many grinds and geometries before settling on our favourite, read , try different grinds and geometries and see what works and try to understand the reasons behind it . I am afraid you won't find an easy source explaining in detail

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. I've been trialling as I go, but I don't think I quite understand, and I want to understand what is required of a high performance knife. What is your favourite grind for a all round knife ?
  5. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    My workhorse grind

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    I have only a little experience in this field so take my advice lightly, but I think execution matters more than concept.
  7. Thanks mate, really interesting site.

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