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Small End Cutting Board

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by Intrigued, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    I've posted about this elsewhere but it seemed like a good time and place to revisit the small end grain cutting board project that I dreamed up for my husband. After reading about the advantages of end grain cutting boards I thought a small one to take the place of my favorite little workhorse would be just the ticket.

    "Old Little Workhorse".

    "New Little Workhorse" that my husband built.

    When we first dreamed up this project and put it together, we had no idea how well it might hold up over time. The handle was built out of straight grain as we were concerned that it might be too narrow for end grain to hold up well. One side was birdseye maple and the other side black walnut.


    We decided to use the black walnut side as our cutting side and the birdseye side for when it's just sitting there being pretty.

    I'm very happy to say that after over a year of daily use my new little work horse looks almost as good as the day it was new.

    After over a year of daily use.
    Small End Grain Cutting Board at 1 yr.jpg
  2. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    Beautiful Connie. Is the board part all walnut? I love the grain and I notice there are some more solid pieces as well.

    Edit: I'm going to need to see a pic of the board above the one you posted as well :)
  3. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    Thanks Christopher!
    The board part is made of Zebra Wood and Black Walnut.

    This board is from a group buy that Jim ran that started my end grain cutting board addiction. [​IMG]
    End Grain Cutting Board.jpg
  4. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I got to see the group buy board at Connie's when I went to visit her Cat and Dog lol (didnt get a bagel) the only thing in her house that is more impressive then the board is her shave collection. .. and maybe the mural, the amazing energy to catch a ball her (his) little fella has... the birds... but off all the wood in the house, that knife ne was top notch, but maybe now second place because that workhorse is incredible... is he taking orders lol
  5. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    No, I keep him too busy with my projects. lol When I first conceived of a small end grain cutting board like this one, I thought I would just be able to google and find one like it out there, buy it and be done...... but if anyone was making one like it, I couldn't find it. That was part of why I wanted to post a follow up on it. It has been such a great and useful little board that I'm hoping some of the talent out there steals the idea and runs with it.
  6. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    Beauty little board! I really like how he did the handle with opposing grain
  7. beginish

    beginish Silver Contributor Founding Member

    Gorgeous boards, Connie. :thumb
  8. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

    Beautiful board indeed!
  9. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member

    Husband here, thanks all!
  10. Christopher

    Christopher Founding Member

    Fabulous work sir :thumb
  11. Mike

    Mike Founding Member

    Great work. That is a very nice cutting board!
  12. Lefty

    Lefty Founding Member

    Yeah, that thing is awesome!

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